Conclusions: ① The FB was one of TB, which innervated the frontal muscle, distributing to the area between the coronal suture and the zygomaticotemporal suture. 结论:(1)面神经额支是支配额肌的颞支之一,分布到骨性额部即颧额缝以上、冠状缝与颞上线相交点以前的区域。
Results An intense suture mRNA expression for IGF was observed in the time during active posterior frontal suture fusion ( day 12 and 16), disappearing after fusion on day 30 at the time the posterior frontal suture had been obliterated by the bone tissue. 结果胰岛素样生长因子ⅠmRNA在12、16d的后额缝呈高表达,30d表达消失;